Wednesday, December 31, 2014

From Travel to Sickness and Back..Our journey in 2014

January 2014 will be part of the winter, which Toronto-nians will never forget. Hammered with weather, worthy of “Frozen” Princess Elsa had nothing on this mayhem. 0-43C and a truckload of snow made life miserable. So what did we do ??? Suzanne along with our little minion, Elliot, and myself ventured across and below to San Diego. There, we stayed with my Uncle Des & family. Their penchant for being superbly hospitable and mixing it up with warm weather...aaaah Paradise!!
We forgot winter for those lovely warm days. Mind you, it was a San Diego winter of 21C. Compare that with -43C - hey we will take it!  Alas, all good things must come to an end.  We returned home to the dreaded temperature and conditions.

Moving to April, the night shifts were getting the better of me and my back. Another visit to the Hospital and a shot or morphine does wonders.

Come summer and all is well. The in-law’s visit and I sense relief. Suzanne and myself are finally free to do what we do best…Work some more (Crazies!) Elliot is on his vacation. At this point Elliot is getting pampered by the grandparents to where we seem non-existent. But extra hands made our lives so much easier. I went back to day shifts and loved every moment of it.

We visted Grand Bent, London over one of the weekends. Such a beautiful beach along Lake Huron. Loved every minute of it. Will surely visit again.

Vacation arrived shortly for me and lo and behold, the in-laws wanted to do a trip. Where did we go? VIVE LAS VEGAS, the most “Family UN-friendly” place ever!!
Now that says a lot about the strip. The only children we saw were the ones that stayed in the hotel. They do not call Las Vegas, “Sin City” for nothing, for everything you heard /saw about it true. My In-laws had a blast with the Chinging and chiming of the casinos. Suzanne and  myself tried Blackjack. Overall, I think we had a great time. To top it all, we ate authentic Tacos . How did we know they were authentic ? The place was where the locals ate. Spanish speaking, no-frills and food that had flavor and not just salt. And the cherry on top? we also  found an Indian food joint in a food court, that served a neat Masala Dosa and Channa Masala! (We cannot seem to swerve away from our Indian roots)
In addition, we rented a Jeep Compass and headed dare-devilishly into the Grand Canyon. It was definitely a "strike one off" from my bucket list. It was the best /scariest experience ever.  Why scary- My constant fear of running out of gas, and then living the life of Wiley Coyote, going nuts chasing that road runner  (too many Looney T cartoons as a kid)

  On my return, I continued with my favorite pastime, fishing. Need I say more!

In all of this, Suzanne started a business called Deliciae, which deals with cake decorating supplies. I am a partner in this venture. I get all the assignments with no pay. Felt so much like marriage. The husband has the title but no clout (Just teasing). She has the passion and dedication to see this venture through. I wish her all the very best.

 December arrived and all seem to close up like the end of a carnival. The in-laws left for India. Suzanne and myself shifted gear into reality.  I returned to night shifts. The heat disappeared and it snowed. On December 25, the Grinch came and left us with the monstrous flu that availed our hospitality. Like an unwanted guest, we pray it leaves soon.

Overall, a great year 2014.  We look forward to 2015 where there will be more disses and surprises. But hey, life goes on and every day is a gift from God (some religious funda here!). So without further ado, I wish you and your families a fun-filled, blessed and joyous 2015 !

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I am Toddler..Heed my needs !

FOREWORD-  Strange is the power of a toddler. Cute and cuddly as they are, they can also be demonising as Beelzebub. If you watched the 80's horror flick "Gremlins", you will know what I am talking about. Adults, when dealing with them are never sure what to expect. They like something one moment and the next time they throw it away. So Daddy decided to interview  2-year old toddler Elliot and see what light he could shed on this subject. Here is a small excerpt. (True incidents are marked in BLUE)

D. Hi Elliot, thank you for taking the time to chat with me?
E. Hi Daddy...where's my milk ? 
D. Well, I told you it is in the microwave. Lets start.
E. Sure..let's get on with it. It is almost my cereal time.
D. So tell me what make you so special being a toddler
E. Well for starters, we babies get bored of the Goo-gaa days and decide no sooner we learn to walk it is time to move to the next level. Our baby looks and habits (standard with all babies, even though some parents disagree), have got the attention of half, if not, the entire neighborhood and all family members, Grandparents are eating out of our tiny little hands. See how cute they are ? (gives me that cute smile) Where's my milk ???..
D. Should be done. One sec, let me get it for you
E. Hurry !
D. Coming as soon as possible. Here we are.
E. Gulp !
D. I see your appeal as a Toddler has increased two fold.
E. Two-fold?...NO, it is now beyond Oscar status ! People drool at our mere presence. A small wave from us, melts hearts. We are Celebrity all the way and no Papparazzi ...I mean how cool is that. Even Tom Cruise cannot get that privacy.  At the park I spoke to my other babes in strollers and they said that they are already working the system
D. You have a system ? What system ?
E. Oh simple (takes another sip from his bottle...Glurg!) We smile and you bring us what we want.
D. Oh, that's not true.
E. Well who brought me the milk.
D. Yeah OK you win that little one. But do not be fooled by these little victories.
E. Sure, you are right in some regards. But it is mostly the stuff we do not really care for. But if it is something we really want, like a chocolate or another babies toy, we can create one helluva ruckus.
D. Yes, I have seen that happen. But I have never experienced that with you.
E. So mum and you have not spoken about my latest  "grab n no share' cookie of another baby.
D. What???
E. Never mind, it was a minor incident. The cookie never made it to my tummy. Mum was quick to give it back. I spoke to the baby too, and she said she would do the same if the cookie was with me. It is a mutual understanding. But we have to make it look real. The crying from the "lost cookie girl" got the adults apologizing to each other. Hey, we help adults communicate. Mum was not too happy though as we returned from the park earlier that evening.
D. Hmmm..I see. Well, what about diaper changes ?
E. Our favorite subject is Poo and Pee..we not only love doing it, we love playing in it, when no ones watching. Recently, met a fellow toddler at the store who told me that when his parents were not paying his diaper change any attention, he took his pooh and spread it on the walls. When confronted, he simply said, "Painting like Dada". Mama went "Aww" and all was forgotten.
D. That's awful ! I know I have stopped you from playing a few times. But I heard mum missed you for a moment and you made a mess in the bedroom. Poor thing, she had to clean up the mess you created the last time.
E. We like to challenge adults all the time. You think you are big so that you can control us with your mind games. But we have mind games of our own. Ever notice how we Poo and Pee near or during your meal-times or other periods of relaxation? Its all coordinated to keep you on your feet, get you frustrated and bow to our every need. (raises and looks at his milk bottle, now almost empty) Can I have my cereal now ?
D. No lets continue this conver...HEY ELLIOT...DO NOT THROW THAT MILK ON THE CARPET !! Come on, let's get that cereal. We can continue later.
E. Told you, we were Good !


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stop Moaning and Start Grooving !

In 2000, I moved to Canada with dreams that were shattered by the reality of life here. My career was being gnawed at even before it started. With so many scruples with life and career, I was ready to packs my bags and do a U-Turn and move to Dubai or Mumbai (if any of them would have me). My wife Suzanne, was patient through these times and provided any motivation to carry on. She even bought a frying pan to hit me on the head should this have gone too far..just kidding..she did buy a frying pan for real ! Then one fateful evening, while sipping a caramel mocha latte at Starbucks at Chapters (now Indigo), Suzanne introduced me to an author I never heard before. His name, Anthony Robbins and the book was "Awaken the Giant Within". From then, it was no stopping me.
A long story made short, I have summarised what works for me and in no means is a teaching aid.
1. Surround myself with positive company - "Seek and you shall find" I followed this mantra and have a found positive people. They are encouraging always pushing to you do your best. I avoid fruitless conversations like the local gossip, though I must admit sometimes the latter is tempting, but fruitless nonetheless. I too can be a victim of the "misery loves company" jamboree, but tend to move away fast. Now I make a joke of when people ask me how my life is..I just say "miserable". I keep the jealous ones happy and the ones who really do not care happy too.

2. Got my spouse involved - In this case, help is never too far. She is here when I need her support to stay on track. It's with Suzanne's help and confidence that I continue to make/measure my strides.

3. Stay Educated - Books, yes Books ! There is not a question in the world that has not been a addressed in a book. I cheat a bit, by listening to audio books. Time is precious when you have a kid(s), so audio books are a fast track in my craving for knowledge. Do not forget religious texts. There are a plethora of messages and guidance for staying positive. The Holy Bible for me is fantastic source. In addition, I listen to the teachings of Buddhism and lessons from Osho Rajneesh. Great authors, to me, include, Anthony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, to name a few. Quotes from the greats like Sir Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. are inspiring as well. The Internet is also a great source for positive learning. Google has been a trusted guide in this day and age of browsing.

4. NO MORE TOXICON - "Toxicon: is a term I use to denote those individuals that will do their best to ensure that one gets hurt with toxic and destructive remarks. They thrive on emotional blackmail and do all of this with a smile. The "Oh, I never meant to hurt you" comment follows, amongst other things. Trust me, this breed stands out in conversation.  When I come in contact with them, to coin a phrase, I "sleep with one eye open". Something just clicked (An even better idea) - Get them off your Facebook page...LOL !!! .

5. Do not get turned off - "You have changed and are not the person you used to be"- How many times have I heard this one. Yes, I have changed, (over 40 ahem!)  accept it and move on.

6. What will they think ? - I used to worry about this a lot, until recently. Then I questioned, Do they worry about me?...Probably not.  So never mind what people think, you cannot stop them. I do what is best for me. Selfish as it seems, for when I am happy, everybody around me will be happy.

7. Help a person in need - Never let the right hand know what the left hand does. Nough said !

8. TIME OUT - A solitary vacation or even a fishing trip is always on the cards. It helps recharge the batteries. It is also a time to connect spiritually with the Supreme being. You ask questions and you get the answers you are looking for. Works every time. Even time out with your family, just doing nothing..aahhh the life !

8. Keep "Chugging" along-  Yes, no matter what the odds and failures, I look to find a positive spin on or how I can benefit from the failed situation or even what lesson the failure has given me. Staying positive is HARD work, but the journey is fantastic.

I am no self-help guru, but do what is needed of me to benefit my wife, son and my loved ones. I invite you on this journey.

P.S - If you have any tips on staying positive, please share them with me. Any advice is encouraging.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013 and Welcome 2014 !

I could ponder on the bad that plagued 2013, but I chose to dwell on the good times.

Had the in-laws over and that was amazing. 6-months is a long time, one might say to spend with your in-laws but overall, it was wonderful. They assisted us immensely when it came to Elliot, joked around, did a couple of road-trips to the United States...we could not ask for more. When they left, it was back to square one and that square was way too big for us to get used to all over again.

My folks seem done with Canada, or so it seems. They are up in age and the weather is not to their liking. They lived through the horror of a Canadian winter in 2012.  On the warmer side, they love their beach house in the tiny hamlet of Uttan off Mumbai (yes I called it a hamlet :P). Dad is very active helping out at the local church and mum loves her catering. So they are a busy duo with no end in sight. Kudos to them !

Elliot started Montessori with the usual cries that are a part of almost every child going to school the first time. Gotta give him a  break, he is 2 after all. Elliot loves painting and hates noise. Guess, that gives me reason to shut my vocal cords. He is the best gift we could ever have. Children make your life better, which is the case in our lives. I could go on and on, but I can see you sigh already.

Suzanne got back into the workforce with a great company. She loves it, as where she should rightly be. At the helm of it all, managing her team and result-oriented, as always. I actually get to play bashing board of decisions and ideas that churn in her mind.  After being a project Manager on the book "Call Centres for Dummies" I still say she can run her own consulting firm and come out shining.

Me- I just work nights now and that makes me a social outcast and wannabe vampire (minus the blood sucking antics). In addition to also being a Facebook  buff, I have now become Mahjong lover. I rarely do win, but the thought that I would win at the next board gives me hope. I have started reading again...ok, that is not entirely true...I listen to audiobooks at least once a week. Saves me from fines incurred when taking a book from the library that I never seem to finish on time.

The biggest highlight this year was me flying a plane (a Cessna) on my own... like 75% of the time. Someone has to take control of the take-off and landings. It was a thing to do on my bucket list . Why start on a bucket list, you might ask? Simply because time is fleeting and should I wait any longer I would be too old to do anything. We have a whole world to explore and encounter exciting adventures. Some like the relaxed lifestyle while I prefer the adventure. Next on my list is a scuba dive with a friend, most probably in the United Arab Emirates. Why I choose the U.A.E, well, it has been almost 2 decades since I visited friends and family out there. A dive in the Arabian blue sea, a desert Safari, maybe some fast cars... an adventure vacation is just fascinating ! If all else fails, a trip to Europe is definitely not ruled out.

My 2013 ended on an ill note. I got the flu and it is getting better . As for 2014, like I said , I hope to make it a memorable one, keeping in touch regularly and personally with family and friends. Facebook and other social media does help, but there is nothing better that speaking to someone over the phone or even sending a greeting card/letter. Face it, technology is here to help and not take away the human aspect of a relationship.
Also looking forward to the Football World Cup to be held in Brazil (June 12- Jul 13). Samba music , football and beautiful sites (wink) that is my kinda world cup !

On that note, from my family to yours, we wish you a very Happy and Prosperous 2014. We wish that joy surrounds you in every aspect of your life. Keep smiling and remember when you face any hardship, do not ponder, just act on it.

Love you all !
