Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013 and Welcome 2014 !

I could ponder on the bad that plagued 2013, but I chose to dwell on the good times.

Had the in-laws over and that was amazing. 6-months is a long time, one might say to spend with your in-laws but overall, it was wonderful. They assisted us immensely when it came to Elliot, joked around, did a couple of road-trips to the United States...we could not ask for more. When they left, it was back to square one and that square was way too big for us to get used to all over again.

My folks seem done with Canada, or so it seems. They are up in age and the weather is not to their liking. They lived through the horror of a Canadian winter in 2012.  On the warmer side, they love their beach house in the tiny hamlet of Uttan off Mumbai (yes I called it a hamlet :P). Dad is very active helping out at the local church and mum loves her catering. So they are a busy duo with no end in sight. Kudos to them !

Elliot started Montessori with the usual cries that are a part of almost every child going to school the first time. Gotta give him a  break, he is 2 after all. Elliot loves painting and hates noise. Guess, that gives me reason to shut my vocal cords. He is the best gift we could ever have. Children make your life better, which is the case in our lives. I could go on and on, but I can see you sigh already.

Suzanne got back into the workforce with a great company. She loves it, as where she should rightly be. At the helm of it all, managing her team and result-oriented, as always. I actually get to play bashing board of decisions and ideas that churn in her mind.  After being a project Manager on the book "Call Centres for Dummies" I still say she can run her own consulting firm and come out shining.

Me- I just work nights now and that makes me a social outcast and wannabe vampire (minus the blood sucking antics). In addition to also being a Facebook  buff, I have now become Mahjong lover. I rarely do win, but the thought that I would win at the next board gives me hope. I have started reading again...ok, that is not entirely true...I listen to audiobooks at least once a week. Saves me from fines incurred when taking a book from the library that I never seem to finish on time.

The biggest highlight this year was me flying a plane (a Cessna) on my own... like 75% of the time. Someone has to take control of the take-off and landings. It was a thing to do on my bucket list . Why start on a bucket list, you might ask? Simply because time is fleeting and should I wait any longer I would be too old to do anything. We have a whole world to explore and encounter exciting adventures. Some like the relaxed lifestyle while I prefer the adventure. Next on my list is a scuba dive with a friend, most probably in the United Arab Emirates. Why I choose the U.A.E, well, it has been almost 2 decades since I visited friends and family out there. A dive in the Arabian blue sea, a desert Safari, maybe some fast cars... an adventure vacation is just fascinating ! If all else fails, a trip to Europe is definitely not ruled out.

My 2013 ended on an ill note. I got the flu and it is getting better . As for 2014, like I said , I hope to make it a memorable one, keeping in touch regularly and personally with family and friends. Facebook and other social media does help, but there is nothing better that speaking to someone over the phone or even sending a greeting card/letter. Face it, technology is here to help and not take away the human aspect of a relationship.
Also looking forward to the Football World Cup to be held in Brazil (June 12- Jul 13). Samba music , football and beautiful sites (wink) that is my kinda world cup !

On that note, from my family to yours, we wish you a very Happy and Prosperous 2014. We wish that joy surrounds you in every aspect of your life. Keep smiling and remember when you face any hardship, do not ponder, just act on it.

Love you all !



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