Happy New Year everyone ! It is time for the annual ritual of making resolutions.
From various inquiries made and delving into my vast library (aka Google), I have put forth some of the most common resolutions:
1. Going to the GYM/ Fitness- No kidding. I have been to the gym in the past and it calls for more discipline that sitting in class listening to Physics from an English professor. It involves making adjustments with family, work and play. "Blessed are those that can keep up with this for they shall be shapely and healthy". As for the rest of us, welcome to the Fatty Boys & Girls Club...burp !!!
2. Spend more time with family and friends- Sure you will. The next thing, you are going to the gym (hammers down resolution 1, doesn't it ??), working overtime to make more money so that you can spend time with family(The irony of it all). Working Overtime to make to make the extra bucks benefits the Taxman more than you. Rule of thumb...20% work and 80% results.
Read "The 4hr Work Week- Timothy Ferris" you will get some ideas on how to improve your working lifestyle.
3.Quit Smoking- Really? Did you have to wait for New year to make this resolution or did the last negative of your lungs, not aid in any manner? It is difficult for many smokers to bid adieu to this vice but it can be done. If you need some help, go to The Lung Association of Canada.
4. Quit Drinking- LOL !! Yes you will quit drinking after just "this last one". "How can I say no to the Boss when he offers me a glass ". "My friends will think I am a wimp". "It is the most 'sic-est' thing to do"."I can give it up anytime"...and the excuses pour in like the beer from a keg. I have lost a few loved ones to this "easy to give up liquid". If you find it hard to go without a drink or two everyday, and need assistance to quit or even reduce consumption, visit DART
5. Get out of Debt: Debt in North America has, is and will always be one big epidemic and is the major cause of any economic downfall. Should this one not be a mantra for all of us any given time? Unless you decide on this when you see your credit card bills from all the gift giving over the holidays. I use a term called 'plastic fever', and its symptoms are debt piling while your bank balance is sinking. Debt-relief and control measures are available by visiting Office of Consumer Affairs OCA
6. Learn Something New- Get yourself outta bed and do it. There is a lot to learn out there and to me is one of the best resolutions ever. Enroll in a course, looking for a new job or even taking up a new hobby are some ways to learn something new. Go ahead , it is good for you and your resume.
7. Help Others: Cash Donations is not the absolute solution but does aid in some way. You might say your busy (which crushes every resolution stated above), but if your time is really in short supply, maybe you can at least find it in you to donate furniture, clothing and other household items that you no longer need to your local charity . Some charities will even pick them up for you.
8. Get Organized: This is the simplest of all resolutions and can be achieved easily by just spending 30mins of your time putting stuff in its place. Now to get started, well that is another ball game!
In conclusion, for the looser the excuse "Resolutions are made to be broken" is not farther from the truth. The excuses will fall by the wayside faster than you can say "Booyakashaa!!" We are all party to this in some shape or form.
However, you can achieve this (and you can), by making these resolutions/goals simple (not overdo it), take baby steps, time lines, letting your friends and family know that you are serious and you need their help and, yes...YOU WANT TO DO IT TO ADD VALUE TO YOUR LIFE!
Jesus Christ said 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:28-31). Go on make a change , get selfish (in a good way, of course). Making yourself happy will make everyone around you happy. That is the key to personal success.
'Nuff said, I am off to work on my first resolution and that is not spending too much time on this laptop !!!